Release Notes

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added functionality to Purchase Invoices to set difference on the “Other” field, if the entered total doesn’t match the line total, after calculation is made based off of what the cost gets set to.
  • Fixed bug where the vendor sites zip code fields were messing with the Vendor’s main address.
  • Added option to inventory export to auto-generate the export file names with date/time values.
  • Added “All Stops Complete” column to truck summary in daily deliveries.
  • Fixed: bank reconciliation and “pay bills multi-vendor” would lose un-saved changes, if the user entirely closed Paradigm while the tab was still open.
  • Fixed to allow removing the “Default partial prepayment request amount” in company preferences.
  • Changed to disallow removing the “Ship Via” from a released order.
  • Allowed changing Unit Measure in Create POs/MOs popup from Purchasing Agent.
  • Changed formatting in Lot Usage screen to allow selecting Lot name while not in edit mode.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added checkbox in customers to show notes popup on Orders, Quotes, and Invoices when that customer is selected.
  • Added password changing button to permission screen rather than showing the actual passwords.
  • Added setting to prompt a user to select a new password the next time they log in. Also added a button for a user to change their password on their own.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed job posting to use the job GL department on the journal entry if the job has one.
  • Fixed: when a quote/order got duplicated, any discontinued items were changed to comments, but builds were still created for them.
  • fixed: unposting a CCC that has a bank account in the detail section needs to delete the associated checkbook record during unpost if it exists and is unreconciled.
  • Added company preference for the default value to put in the “Default Job Tax” field on new products.
  • Fixed: pricing level imports will match to existing levels based on [Exclusive,Level, Product, UoM, MinQty, MaxQty] instead of just [Exclusive,Level, Product, MinQty, MaxQty].
  • Fixed: description fields on transactions were not accepting newlines even when pasted in.
  • Added functionality of changing trip’s driver from the daily deliveries screen.
  • Added text wrapping to Item’s Additional Info field.
  • Disallowed Ctrl+Shift+Arrows shortcut in transactions if cursor is in the Description column, or in the footer notes fields.
  • Added Date To Search dropdown to List screens’ headers that have that field in Advanced filtering
  • Added check to Bulk Update/Rename to make sure file only has the correct two columns.
  • Added totals to Pay Bills Multi-Vendor screen.
  • Added Company Deficiency column to Purchasing Agent.
  • Allowed converting orders to invoices with a non-checked in rentals.
  • Added Account Name column to Budgets screen.
  • Added right click option to ignore items in Special Order Purchasing agent screen.
  • Reformatted Record List headers to be more compact.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added checkbox to Ship To editor screen to exclude orders from ship ID dropdowns.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added ability to add Attachments to Email Templates.
  • Added new inventory rounding precision options for 0.49, 4.99, 9.99, 49.99 and 99.99
  • Removed “Auto Hide” from the tab right click menu. It was always disabled anyway.
  • Added F3 shortcut to copy the current transaction’s primary ID to clipboard.
  • Fixed formatting issue on Model Options popup Addon grid.
  • Added “Duplicate Tab” right click option to more screens.
  • Changed Ctrl+Arrow to Ctrl+Shift+Arrow, to navigate transaction header tabs.
  • Added double click to open Transactions from GL Detail screen.
  • Fixed issue where UserPreference audit trails were all showing as being the first instance.
  • Added new field on inventory to determine which inventory items upload to DataHub.
  • Fixed: converting an order to a job transfer was resetting the tax2 code if the company preference was set to do that. (it should not affect job transfers).

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added more shortcut keys, standardized and added support for many ALT shortcuts as well for ribbon buttons.
  • Added “Duplicate Tab” option to List tabs’ right click menus.
  • Implemented “Addon Product” functionality.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added a security permission for “Allow editing the salesperson on transactions”.
  • When opening Paradigm, it will now auto-close immediately if an update is being installed.
  • Changed the “Customer Price” column on orders/invoices to show the “each” price for linear items.
  • Added the “Open Quotes” button to the quotes screen to allow merging quotes.
  • Changed: setting/removing an admin credit hold on a customer will now require the user to be an admin rather than just having detail tab permissions.
  • Fixed: job final billing was using the default department rather than the job department.
  • Splitting orders will now copy the date from the original order rather than setting it to the current date.
  • Fixed invoice to order conversion to set the “Manufacture” and “PO Required” fields to the defaults for those items.
  • Fixed: re-naming a GL account that is a bank or credit card account was not updating the ID on the bank account record.
  • Fixed: converting an order to a PO will now ignore invalid values on the inventory items for default vendor/site.
  • Fixed: partial invoicing needs to un-complete the original order when shipping a partial amount or posting an invoice for a partial amount if they have “Mark under shipped orders as” checked.
  • Variobend: Changed reversal logic to handle additional reversal/paint/direction combinations.
  • Improved vendor screen loading time and layout.
  • Changed some popup button labels to use “Yes” rather than “Confirm” Also added alt codes to some popup buttons.
  • Fixed issue where clicking to select a product in the Product ID dropdown sometimes didn’t work, if the user clicked on the description field.
  • Fixed to better set focus when closing a tab or clicking on a list tab. Also added CTRL+2 keyboard shortcut to open the search dropdown at the top of the window.
  • Changed toast message to a popup when no required Customer PO amount is entered on release of an order.
  • Added Weight column to trip history.
  • Fixed: Saved SQL filters with “OR” statements would return more records than intended if they were not surrounded with parenthesis. Fixed an issue where a saved SQL filter failed if it only had a detail filter without a header filter. Also fixed several minor list screens where filters did not save or did not work for detail filtering.
  • Fixed: pressing enter to move to next row in a transaction was getting stuck at the last column if the “Attach” button was the last column in the list. Also, it is now possible to navigate to button columns such as the “Attach” button using the arrow keys.
  • Fixed issue of transaction total not updating on scan screen closed.
  • Removed “Add” button from customer ShipID list. Changed ShipID List screen to not show ShipIDs from inactive customers.
  • Fixed: the GL account dropdown was not allowing clicking to select the first item in the dropdown. It could only be selected by typing or searching for the ID.
  • In finance charges, if the department on the original invoice is invalid, it will now use the user’s default, or fallback to company default department on the generated finance charges.
  • Fixed: Pressing F5 to refresh purchasing agent will now refresh all unit totals rather than just units available.
  • Fixed: if using data utility to rename a product id to something longer than the 25 character limit, the rename failed and the original product was deleted. Changed to not attempt rename if ID is too long.
  • Added ID length validation to customer, vendor and GL account data utility renaming.
  • Fixed a bug where running a report sometimes failed to pass in the values for the “ID” parameters. Usually when selecting a set of items from a list and printing/previewing a report.
  • Changed Load Time in Production Filter dropdown to show as datetime.
  • Worked on removing dead columns from column chooser.
  • Fixed issue of right-click copy/cut/paste not working in Order detail description field.
  • Added logic to hide report setup button on lists if disallowed in permissions.
  • Changed date selectors to disallow dates less than 1/1/1900 or greater than 12/31/9999 to prevent crystal reports errors.
  • Made focus get set more consistently when closing a tab to improve reliability of keyboard shortcuts.
  • If a “customer contact” is selected on a sales transaction, those contact methods will be included in email dropdown.
  • Fixed: lists screens that opened on startup didn’t have a default report selected at the bottom. Also, the selected report was getting cleared when closing the report setup screen.
  • Fixed: tabbing out of the product field when adding a bundle was not skipping the pcs field.
  • Added the full standard print menu to customer prepayment screen.
  • Standardized Ctrl+P as the print shortcut wherever printing is allowed.
  • Added a company preference to enable additional job field to specify a taxable/non-taxable portion of the job proposal amount, to be used in final billing.
  • Fixed: the GL dropdown in transactions was not accepting typing a partial value and then clicking to select a record.
  • Changed the wording of some confirmation messages to say OK/Cancel or Yes/Cancel rather than Confirm/Cancel to allow easier selection by keyboard.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Version 637 was not released.

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Implemented a color switcher screen on quotes/orders to change all lines from one color code to another.
  • Added a number of new keyboard shortcuts to transaction screens.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: changing an employee ID was failing if the employee was used as a salesperson in user preferences.
  • Changed async handling of import so multiple customers or vendors are not created simultaneously, potentially causing duplicate PK failures.
  • Fixed warning about Current Year Earnings account on journal entries to only show during post and not unpost.
  • Cleaned up the layout of a few of the popup windows in sales order screen.
  • Fixed: when posting a job, the message about differences in the WIP clearing account was incorrectly showing when the job never had any WIP clearing activity.
  • Re-enabled CTRL+Tab for tab switching.
  • Added logic to not send delivery confirmation emails when trip is a transfer trip.
  • Added Support For Creating Task on Save Report Failure.
  • Added functionality to commit edits when using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed: selecting an alias product was bringing in the cost for the purchase UOM rather than for the alias UOM on purchase order/purchase invoice.
  • Fixed: on an inventory item, switching to the production tab and then back to the assembly tab caused the UOM dropdown to go blank, requiring a refresh to get it back.
  • Changed to never warn user when converting an order to an invoice with zero freight if the freight field is locked at zero.
  • Change to help prevent “Settings were not loaded after 10 seconds” error during login.
  • When downloading a client update, it will close any running client installers to prevent locks on the updater file.
  • Added a button to the “Help” tab to copy the Paradigm ERP Installer URL.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added buttons to round reorder qty when creating POs from Purchasing Agent screens.
  • Added “Customer’s PO Total Required:” setting.
  • Added button for previewing Shelf Info to transaction details and Inventory Lists.
  • Units committed/available will no longer include any order details that are on release hold. Also, the warehouse field on released order lines will only turn red if the units available is less than zero, rather than comparing the qty on the line to the units available.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Changed attribute duplication on Customers, Vendors, Inventory and Transaction screens to respect new “Copy During Duplication” setting on attribute types.
  • Set the sort order of the exporting contact methods.
  • Made closing/saving/navigating to a new a record more resilient to un-committed changes.
  • Enabled searching for partial names and wildcards in the ship ID list columns.
  • Fixed: in coil splitting, it was selecting the lot ID immediately when the typed value filtered down to one lot. This worked, but if the user continued typing the rest of the ID, it would re-select a new lot based on just what they typed after that point.
  • In invoices and purchase invoices, lot information for a specific line can now be selected via the line item options popup.
  • Changed to store local settings file in …\AppData\Local rather than …\AppData\Roaming to prevent the file getting copied to other machines if roaming profiles are enabled.
  • Fixed to delete old attribute values when deleting products, customers, vendors or transactions.
  • Removed un-needed “ysnInvoice” column from order/purchase lists.
  • Improved Avatax offline invoice reconciliation. Also Fixed the posting of zero line invoices to mark them so they don’t show up as needing reconciliation.
  • Changed the conditional formatting on order list and rollformer production so it will apply on existing layouts.
  • Changed to disable editing the opening bank balance field in bank reconciliation.
  • Fixed: removing a build from a production batch via the popup window was also putting that build on hold.
  • Fixed to not show error about min/max lengths when adding products to credit memos.
  • Added Warehouse filter and column to Inventory > Sales History, and Purchase History.
  • Added Margin Percent column to inventory sales history tab. Changed Margin column to show as decimal.
  • Fixed: in POS, when selecting a product via the dropdown, it was bringing in the purchase UOM.
  • Changed ribbon KeyTips (alt codes) to skip the top level and go to the current ribbon tab.
  • Added mask to the “Email From” field in user preferences, to avoid incorrect email address formats.
  • Implemented focused audit trail for manufacture orders and a few other types.
  • Improved the speed of starting an email for reports that have all parameters pre-mapped.
  • Changed to refresh batch trip creator after adding a trip so it gets sorted properly.
  • Fixed: receiving a partial credit card prepayment on an order that already had a partial prepayment was showing the previous prepayment applied twice in the order receive payment popup.
  • Fixed: checkbook records created for vendor prepayments were not getting assigned to the 1099 box number on the vendor prepayment.
  • Fixed: Creating a shipment for a rental will no longer require the user to have dispatching permissions.
  • Fixed a label that was editable in email screen.
  • Fixed issue where home tab sometimes attempted to auto-reopen while Paradigm was closing.
  • Variobend Integration tweaks.
  • Fixed: splitting an order needs to copy the Entity use code.
  • Fixed: work order list wasn’t showing builds if they had no components.
  • Added handling to prevent double posting of deposits/checks.
  • Fixed: unposted invoices will no longer be included when calculating a customer’s overdue invoices.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added button to convert invoices to orders, if the user has voiding permissions and the invoice is a standalone invoice.
  • When calculating freight, if it can’t find the exact address, it will now offer to calculate based on the ZIP code instead.
  • Changed Paradigm installer to allow a non-admin mode for when run by Paradigm client. This only updates the files a standard user is allowed to edit, and skips the other installers.
  • Changed Export List button to be a dropdown button with the option to export contact method lists, in Customers, Vendors, and Employees.
  • Added company preference to append the sales order number to all bundles on purchase orders when converting from a quote/order. Lines not on a bundle will be placed in a new bundle. Also improved vendor ID selection in the PO conversion screen.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: Untimely Red border around check number in the Receive Payment screen for invoices.
  • Added Custom Tabstops for Date and Due Date, in Custom Setup > Purchases.
  • Added more columns to customer list, including the “Entity Use Code”.
  • Expanded the ship ID column from 15 characters to 128.
  • Added check for user if items marked as pulled by salesperson, are pulled, on converting order to invoice.
  • Disallowed deleting item class that has been assigned to an item.
  • Changed icon for view deposits in Receivables.
  • Added handling for scaled screens for customer display.
  • Fixed inventory list to not clear other column filters when using the “Search All” filter at the top.
  • Changed credit card transaction import to truncate descriptions to 100 characters rather than throwing an error if they are too long.
  • Added warehouse selector to Equipment Rental calendar.
  • Changed rentals to show the equipment name in the order detail description.
  • Fixed: in purchasing agent, items were not showing up in the “Create POs” screen if they were selected by typing in the order qty rather than clicking the checkbox beside the item.
  • Fixed: when creating a new GL account it was using the USD currency by default rather than the company preference currency default.
  • Fixed: product ID editor in order/invoice general assemblies was not selecting the product unless the entire ID was entered. Also, on invoice general assemblies, lines that were added/edited were not given new prices.
  • Changed Bank Reconciliation screen to save selected transactions when closing Paradigm, and when switching accounts.
  • Bank Reconciliation: Fixed issue of displaying wrong Difference in non-zero difference popup.
  • Fixed: when deleting an NSF or ERR receivable, it will now un-mark the original as returned so the user can see it is open again.
  • Fixed: Overpayments need to be included in the cash drawer history.
  • Fixed: merging orders was breaking the links to POs from the original order, prompting them to be made again.
  • Outside Deliveries that are created for rentals will now only show for the selected warehouse in daily deliveries. (non-rental outside deliveries will continue to show for all warehouse filters).

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added “Pulled by Salesperson” column to order details to mark line as ignored on release for Fulfillment Pro.
  • Added “Allow editing the date on orders” security permission.
  • Added export button to list screens, and an equivalent new security permission.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: Deleting an inventory item was not deleting its attribute records.
  • Changed: detail lines on transactions will now be assigned to the department ID of the selected warehouse if it has one.
  • Make dispatching truck summary handle trips that have times included in their dates.
  • Added better formatting to dropdowns like the Order Number dropdown in the list screens.
  • Rounded differences in Bank Reconciliation to 2 decimals in order to avoid showing error on a .001 difference.
  • Added more useful audit trailing for line deletion and transaction duplication.
  • Fixed: copying special pricing from one customer to another was sometimes failing if both customers had a special price for the same item/UOM.
  • Fixed: The “Edit Order Total” button will now force saving before showing the input box.
  • Fixed: deleting an outside delivery was entirely closing paradigm when finished.
  • Changed update downloading to have a longer timeout and added a cancel button.
  • Fixed: the “Apply Credit” popup was failing to create the receivable if the user chose to apply the credit.
  • Added “Notes” column to purchasing agent.
  • Fixed to allow “Receive Payment” on orders even if they are on a trip and can’t be otherwise edited.
  • Added a warning to checks and payables if the chosen check number was used before.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added CTRL+SHIFT+A search audit trail functionality to reports.
  • Handled if user imports a “nonstandard” csv file that is surrounded with quotes.
  • Added setting to define custom label for the other field.
  • Fixed: Bank Rec bug that was incorrectly erroring on non-zero differences for Credit Card type accounts.
  • Fixed to give better validation for field length in outside deliveries.
  • Small change in Trips screen to include trips with dates in their times.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Weight was not getting updated on lines marked as “Set Price”.
  • Customer display: improved column layouts, and narrow screen layouts. Changed to hide display when not in edit mode after 30 seconds.
  • Fixed: double-clicking in a transfer to set the qty received was not working.
  • Added popup with warning to use “Close Fiscal Year” utility instead, if journal entry being posted affects current earnings account. Added button to popup to open FAQs related to closing fiscal year.
  • Changed: editing the customer/vendor on a transaction was always resetting the department ID on the transaction to the default. Now it will only reset if the customer/vendor specifically has a department set.
  • Fixed: when changing the customer ID on a receivable, in some cases invoices from the previous customer would remain in the receivable detail.
  • Fixed: setting the warehouse on invoices needs to prioritize user warehouse over the company preference warehouse. Also will not reset to defaults when changing the customer on an existing invoice.
  • Changed to allow editing cost and cost2 fields on orders even when the lines are locked. Also fixed an issue where a locked line would show un-locked temporarily when a user edits one of the editable fields on that line.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added automatic updates to Paradigm for all future builds. User will be given option to update when signing in with an old version.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added a “Posted” column to the customer history tab on the customer screen.
  • Added sort mode to Truck,driver, and trailer lists.
  • Invoices will now use the warehouse ID of the customer if available. Invoices created from POS however will not.
  • Fixed: occasional error in customers or vendors if another process edited the record before they saved.
  • Changed transaction xlsx import to not require the description column in the import.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added Gift Card Default Terms selector to company preferences. Added functionality to change POS terms to default gift card terms if current terms have a discount.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Changed Bank reconciliation to not allow posting with a difference.
  • Changed the Import in Physical Count Worksheets to return a list of nonstock item IDs instead of just the count.
  • Fixed: the pay group and commission percent fields on employees were getting cleared out if a non-admin user edited the employee record.
  • Fixed: On a customer, pressing F5 will now refresh the history tabs rather than requiring you to click the refresh button.
  • Changed to ignore the invoice signature requirement when creating/posting a job final billing.
  • Changed purchasing agent to save changes as they are made.
  • Changed to disable the shipvia dropdown on orders that are on a trip. This must be edited from dispatching or they can remove it from the trip first.
  • Changed the behavior of department selection to always use the Customer/Vendor department if set up, and to never use the user department if the department preference is not set up to use “User” departments.
  • Fixed: Editing an existing transaction detail that had an invalid alias was failing in some cases.
  • Status edits on posted invoices or purchase invoices were not saving.
  • Implemented Fiscal being a non-calendar year in Budgets. Other improvements.
  • Fixed issue of Customer Display sometimes showing on the wrong screen.
  • Swapping out a product on an un-committed line on a transaction will now keep any custom values set for Feet/Inches. (if they were still set to the default values, they will reset as they did before.)
  • Fixed: batch customer/product renaming will no longer throw an error if the original and new IDs are the same for one of the rows. It will just skip that one and continue.
  • Fixed: changing the transfer dates for an order will now update the production dates on pre-existing builds. Also will not allow setting a negative number of lead days.
  • Changed invoice batch posting service job to better handle double posting and avoid timeouts.
  • Added duplication to outside deliveries and cleaned up UI a little.
  • Changed new inventory items to default “Website Display” to true.
  • Added “Month to Date” and “Week to Date” options in the date range selector.
  • Added message for unsent emails on login.
  • Fixed sequential deleting in Inventory Adjustments and customer prepayments.
  • Fixed null exception on opening the POS the first time.
  • Added logic to change lot assignments’ warehouse when the Inventory Transfers’ Origin Warehouse changed.
  • Added “All Invoices” filter option to customer history.
  • Increased the timeout for updating prices in data utilities, to 20min.
  • Added a better message when trying to post an invoice or purchase invoice with insufficient lots. It will now say which lines are at fault and if they are an assembly/VAM.
  • When splitting an order, on the original order, append text to the notes about original order total.
  • Changed to use warehouse cost rather than standard cost for unlinked negative invoice lines if there the warehouse has positive stock with positive costs.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added GL Budgets.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: the “name” column in delivery truck summary was not saving position in saved layouts.
  • Fixed: tax code should get re-calculated when changing the warehouse on an order or invoice since a warehouse could have a tax code specified.
  • Added support for quoted CSV files to GL Import.
  • Fixed issue of Posted Transfers not allowing edit of the copies amount.
  • Fixed: if the keyboard focus was in a details section, floating tabs that were opened got moved behind the main Paradigm window right after opening.
  • Fixed the formatting of the “Sales Tax Rate Out of Date” warning text.
  • Added better handling in production if attachment fails to load.
  • Fixed: when selecting a contact ID on a task, it was failing to refilter the ID list when typing the contact name in the dropdown.
  • Fixed: new transactions will now be given the default order status. Also, new customers, vendors, warehouses and jobs will be assigned to their default type when created.
  • Fixed: releasing an order that exceeds the customer’s credit limit needs to warn the user about it even if they are allowed to clear credit holds.
  • Fixed: the sales tax editing screen takes too long and freezes if the database has large numbers of tax IDs.
  • Changed Customer Display to only hide data instead of closing completely.
  • Change receipt upload to keep attachments and images after completion.
  • Changed: If using AvaTax, posted invoices will never show the “sales tax rate out of date” text at the bottom.
  • Added a checkbox in the Order -> PO conversion screen to allow switching between standard and drop ship POs.
  • Fixed: when receiving a payment for an invoice with both a terms discount and a credit card markup, the resulting receivable was failing to post because it failed to remove the terms discount from the payment total.
  • Fixed: if a user edits a component in a build after lots have been assigned, it will now remove any previously assigned lot info for that line.
  • Sensitivity code editing improvements.
  • Disallowed illegal characters in ship via setup.
  • Fixed order merging and PO merging to prevent accidentally merging other previously selected transactions in.
  • Fixed: if user was prompted to make changes during a release, such as a missing ship via, subsequent confirmation messages such as the “Insufficient Stock” message would sometimes show as error popups.
  • Fixed: if changing/adding items in a cached list such as zip codes or ship vias, the dropdowns in floating tabs weren’t getting updated to reflect those changes.
  • Added handling for situation where the generated lots can’t match the original build qty exactly and still have the same qty as each other. The difference will get added to the last lot created.
  • Handling for making a JT returning a manufactured nonstock product. Also can now handle a return JT linking to a larger negative VI.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Changed MO/PO generation from purchasing agent to use the warehouse GL department if it is set.
  • Changed the size of the Email Selected button in attachments. Fixed typo.
  • Added Button to complete tasks to the Tasks lists in Customers, Vendors, and Log and Tasks screens.
  • Fixed: when adding a component to an inventory assembly setup, Assembly descriptions were not getting brought in for the item.
  • Added the Memo field back into vendor prepayments. (was called “Notes” in p9)
  • Fixed: if user clicks “open all” from a list. it will preserve the sorting from the list. (as long as they open less than the list limit.)
  • Fixed transfer screen to not throw an error during opening if the default values for ship from/ship to are not set.
  • Fixed the pcs field in the build screen when the build is not tied to a sales order or purchase order.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Name” column wouldn’t save in the truck summary.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the ship from warehouse in a transaction header for a pickup order wasn’t refactoring the sales tax code.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Changed the “Add Contact” popup in the search screen to use the correct contact method type for the resulting contact method added to the new customer/vendor (for a phone/email)
  • Fixed: when creating a receivable directly from an invoice, if it had terms with a discount, it was always auto-applying the discount even if the invoice was no longer within the terms dates.
  • Fixed: Saving an order layout with the job class or job phase column enabled was failing.
  • Fixed: resending an email was creating a new email record but leaving it marked as “Failed” so it would never send.
  • Changed: after selecting a credit memo item it will now set focus to the pcs field.
  • Enabled downloading trim drawings from trim draw.
  • Improved slowdown caused by welcome tab if the user has a large number of tasks in their task list. Will now only show the top 20 tasks and top 50 recent transactions.
  • Fixed: switching a warehouse or product on an order will now preserve the custom options for that line if possible.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added Trailer Name and Driver Name columns to truck summary in Daily Deliveries.
  • Added functionality to create tasks for Customers, Vendors, and transactions, from home screen search table.
  • Added linked tasks list to customer > log , Vendor>Log, and Transaction>Contact Log screens.
  • Added functionality to turn the “Log and Tasks” button red if there are uncompleted tasks for current transaction.
  • Added checkbox to show/hide scheduled orders on daily deliveries.
  • Added default trip Status field to Dispatching settings.
  • Added total weight field to Trip popup.
  • Added production date editing to rollformer production.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Hid Inventory Quantities grid if inventory item does not track stock.
  • Added warehouse dropdown to warehouse column filters in list screens.
  • Shrunk the History section in customer prepayments.
  • Removed “Completed:” checkbox from Voucher advanced filtering.
  • Fixed: Adding an inventory vendor record was failing if no site was specified.
  • Fixed issue of tasks with a customer that has a long notes field making part of the screen disappear.
  • Minimized delay for showing tooltip on the notes columns in Log tabs.
  • Added null handling for batch emails with no Email To address.
  • Added functionality to update summary totals on Payment column double clicked, in Receivables details.
  • Changed reorder point and qty columns to allow nulls in Purchasing agent screen, and Inventory > warehouse stock tab.
  • Added total to pieces column in Build production detail tab.
  • Fixed issue of bundles not showing correctly if created from new rental line.
  • Fixed issue of assembly / build button not being enabled when it should’ve been, in Order Line Item Options screen.
  • Added explanation to the transaction import screen for the import format to be used for xls/xlsx vs csv files.
  • Added handling to commit the current detail editor when the user presses F5. (for example the reorder point in purchasing agent)
  • Fixed: employee list would fail to load for non-admins.
  • Disallowed converting an order to a PO if the order is completed.
  • Added check if user has permission to edit sales tax codes, before showing the popup on Ship ID changed.
  • Fixed issue of print checks popup not working if opened, closed, then reopened.
  • Fixed: clicking the button in the credit memo selection rather than double clicking was not bringing in the info from the selected row.
  • Extended the timeout for voucher posting.
  • Added “pieces” display field to the build screen.
  • Added Days Past Due column to receivables details.
  • Added Discount Date field to Invoice header.
  • Fixed: marking a receivable as “ERROR” was instead marking it as “NSF” and then throwing an error.
  • Changed: when converting an order to an invoice, if the user is prompted about un-received items and they un-check any lines, instead of skipping those lines entirely, it will now add them to the invoice, but just at a zero qty so they can be back-ordered.
  • Fixed: opening Paradigm sometimes threw an error when locking grids during opening if the user had startup tabs specified.
  • Fixed: sometimes when opening startup tabs, it would set focus to one of the other tabs and then jump back to the menu tab rather than just staying there the whole time.
  • Fixed issue of “import descriptions” checkbox requiring two clicks in Import popup.
  • Allowed typing into “Type” fields in Customers and Vendors
  • Disallowed selecting orders with an edit lock in the “Open Orders” popup in the invoice screen.
  • Changed Customer > Category Pricing to adhere to company preferences “Default Category Discount Rounding Level” setting.
  • Changed order lock clearing to also clear the “paper out” flag when clearing the “driver paper out” flag.
  • Fixed: to prevent report emailing from failing when the customer has a really long customer ID.
  • Fixed to allow creating a customer/vendor for a phone number entered in the search screen.
  • Added button to email attachments directly from the attachment screen.
  • Fixed: deleting a receivable while there were unsaved edits in the receivable detail was failing. Also, fixed to remove receivables/prepayments from the recents list when they are deleted.
  • Changed merging customers to delete contact methods from the old customer where it’s phone number matches a contact method on the new customer.
  • Fixed transaction screens that weren’t obeying the “Automatically edit transactions when opened” setting in User Preferences.
  • Changed to show date selector popup in the production date field in work order list.
  • Added dropdown filter to item class in inventory screen.
  • Added Freight and lengths to Customer Display.
  • Fixed issue of Chart of Accounts not refreshing if account opened from folder icon and deleted.
  • Changed to not show old drafts in the “related emails” section at the bottom of an email.
  • Fixed: in certain cases quotes would show/hide the delete/cancel button based on the order permission rather than the quote permissions.
  • Changed functionality of adding transaction attachments to emails created from transaction, to set any URL type attachments to the email body.
  • Fixed work order list to auto-select the top build in the list when switching orders.
  • Print dropdown will now reset the number of copies when closed.
  • Removed tabstop from discount button in transaction General tab.
  • Fixed: on receivables/payables if the amount due on a line is zero, the user will now be prevented from setting a payment amount for that line.
  • Fixed to add audit trail records when editing payables and better handling for if a user edits the detail on a payable and then selects a different vendor before committing their changes.
  • Fixed bug of Customer Contact clearing every time Customer popup is closed on an invoice or order.
  • Fixed: if a user posts a transaction for a depleted lot, it will now mark it un-depleted if the new lot qty is greater than zero.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added Help Section in Ribbon with buttons to paragon web pages. Moved “Send Log Files” button to this new section.
  • Added right click option to open Customers/Vendors into Voucher, PO, RFQ, Order, Invoice, and Quotes lists.
  • Changed: the sales rep field will now always show in the general tab even if the user has permissions to edit it from the detail tab.
  • Removed DecUnitsOnOrder from inventory warehouse export columns. It was not very useful and was confused with DecWarehouseUnitsOnOrder
  • Fixed issue of Customer Display sometimes showing negative amounts when no transaction selected.
  • Fixed issue of view related not getting an existing screen if it was behind main screen.
  • Fixed issue of Customer notes being behind the receipt tables in POS screen.
  • Widened Product ID column in Lot Depletion screen.
  • Added logic to get Http address out of Pasted-in “Company Name + URL” in Login screen.
  • Fixed decimal formatting in Inventory Sensitivity Codes screen.
  • Fixed issue of minimized tabs not reopening without going to taskbar.
  • Changed customer screen to only load Sales History and Item History data if tabs are focused.
  • Allowed selecting text in Build detail when not in edit mode.
  • Fixed column width in “Select Order Items to add to Invoice” screen.
  • Reformatted rows in Open Orders screen of POs to show row as disabled when it has edit lock.
  • Rental bug fixes.
  • Fixed: Clear/Select all in purchasing agent could sometimes throw an error if the list changed before it was finished.
  • Lengthened the time the home tab is willing to wait for settings to load.
  • Fixed: Terms discount was not getting set on receivables when the user paid the invoice in full using the “Apply Credits” button. (this resulted in fully paid invoices not getting marked as “paid”)
  • Fixed: inserting a line into an order/invoice wasn’t getting the correct warehouse for that line if that product had custom production warehouses set up.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added option to local settings to always show pricing in Customer Display screen. If unchecked, the Transactions’ Customer Display will default to not show pricing. Added buttons to ribbon to toggle pricing visibility in Customer display.
  • Added Batch Column to Build Production Screen.
  • Fixed issue of icon not showing for Favorited Transactions, in Favorites List.
  • Disallowed Customer Display for Job Transfers.
  • Added the unit columns to the inventory by warehouse export.
  • Made refreshing in home tab faster and added a task refresh button. Added a “Refresh Local Cache” button to the “File” dropdown menu.
  • Fixed: only someone with the favorited transactions permission may now mark the favorited transactions tab as a favorite tab.
  • Fixed: if a product was both manufactured and lot tracked, when entering the pcs/lm1/lm2, it was losing the values they typed if they quickly tabbed through.
  • Fixed: users could only edit order transfer dates by editing the lead days. It needs to also allow editing the date and re-calculating the lead days based on the selected date.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: when an invoice total came out to an amount with half cent ($0.005) the terms discount was calculating low by $0.01 and the invoice wasn’t getting marked as paid.
  • Implemented Sort Mode, Drag/Drop, and line insertion in Build Details.
  • Added Ctrl+I shortcut for Inserting into assemblies and builds.
  • Fixed issue of Inventory > Production tab getting stuck on invalid Machine ID.
  • Added fields to customer detail tab to show if the customer has Customer Portal login and ACH details.
  • Fixed: when selecting a lot grade on a lot, it was saved to the database in all caps rather than the actual value.
  • Changed default inventory warehouse export columns.
  • Fixed: the production and build production linked component sorts were not getting updated properly if the sort order got changed.
  • Fixed: the printer selector in print dropdown wasn’t respecting the printer selection.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Implemented inserting a new line to Inventory > Assembly tab.
  • Added sort mode and implemented drag and drop to Inventory > Assembly tab.
  • Made the Linked Component column nullable in Inventory > Production tab.
  • Changed the login window to show sql errors to the user if the login failed.
  • Fixed: popup windows opened from grids were getting hidden after a change in 621
  • Changed POS Customer Display to go blank if not set to a transaction tab.
  • Made Ship Via default column in Trip Details screen.
  • Fixed: when closing a tab it will now fully set focus to the previously used tab. Also improved how it determines the previous tab when the tabs involved are cached tabs.
  • Fixed: a NSF/ERR returned payment had the detail lines added twice. Also, double-clicking the “Amount Paid” field was setting it to the negative of the total.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Made POS Customer Display screen also compatible with Orders, Quotes, and Invoices.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Clicking out of Paradigm or clicking a header button when there are uncommitted changes on a field or detail line will now commit those changes first rather than risk losing them.
  • Added Bulk Product Add to Physical Count Worksheet screen.
  • Added right click option to Work Orders screen to copy Build ID and Product ID.
  • Made “Cleared” column visible by default in Checks, Withdrawals, and Deposits.
  • Allowed Subcategory in Inventory List to show all if Category is null or invalid.
  • Exchange Rate editing fixes.
  • Fixed error in Bulk Adding onto Physical Count Worksheet when inventory item has more than one UoM with Qty of 1.
  • Added functionality to Company Preferences to open P9 and P10 Custom Reports Folders.
  • Bug fixes for “link to existing” section of receipt captures.
  • Made Date Entered Column in General Ledger a Date Time column.
  • Added Category and Subcategory dropdowns to Inventory By Warehouse List.
  • Fixed error caused by hitting Reprint Checks if it was already opened.
  • Fixed the Lot Information screen to allow decimals in Length and Width.
  • Fixed issue of information clearing on Task when Attachment is added to new unsaved Task.
  • Added dropdown to Send Log File button, and added Open Log File Folder button.
  • Added logic to save state of Only Primary Vendors Checkbox in Purchasing Agent screen.
  • Fixed bug showing “Product ID not found” with Go To Product dropdown in inventory items when in edit mode.
  • Allowed editing of Date Entered on customers.
  • Fixed: Credit/Debit labels were switched in the preview dropdown in the journal entry list.
  • When pasting Lat/Lon values with degree symbol into the ship to address for a transaction, it will now parse it and replace it with the simple decimal coordinates. (the degree symbol can cause issues)
  • Fixed: printer dropdown can sometimes cause a crash if the list of available printers changes.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added preference to auto-expand all groups in trip info popup. Added a expand/collapse all button. Changed to not refresh after closing the attachment popup to make it quicker to navigate.
  • Added “Change ship info” right click option to the order lines in the trip info popup.
  • Added support for importing to the inventory vendor table.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added dropdown selectors for category/subcategory to inventory list.
  • When changing a value in the payment column in a receivable, If the amount paid at the top matched the previous balance of the details, then it will now update when they change the detail amounts.
  • Fixed: inserting a line into an invoice wasn’t re-calculating the sorting and bundles afterward.
  • When removing an order from a trip, it will now re-number the stops to remove missing numbers.
  • When creating a back-order it should also copy the parent bundle of any lines copied.
  • When converting an order to an invoice for a given trip, we will now always copy over the comment lines even if they aren’t specifically on that trip.
  • Fixed: posting vouchers was failing if they had any blank lines on them, such as from an inserted line that the product wasn’t specified.
  • When doing JT return or credit memo selection it will no longer replace the pieces number the user selected, unless it’s zero.
  • Fixed: when marking a trip as full, items that were back-ordered were getting added to the fallback trip even though they had a zero qty.
  • Changed dispatching weights/qtys to subtract the pcs marked to back-order.
  • Several equipment rental fixes.
  • Added functionality of creating outside deliveries and assigning them to rentals on order released.
  • Added date range filter to Job List.
  • Added Job ID column to Credit Memo popup.
  • Added a ship via column to trip details popup.
  • Fixed: when doing lot usage assignments for a lot that has activity at two different warehouses, the default lot qty was not always getting set with the qty from the selected warehouse.
  • Fixed to not require data utility permission to update the item class on an inventory item.
  • Changed list filtering to do exact matches for category/subcategory. Also changed to allow partial matches in any column if wildcards are used.
  • Fixed: importing inventory items wasn’t allowing removing the color or subcategory via the import.
  • When adding a line to a purchase order or purchase invoice, it will now populate the cost field as soon as the product is selected rather than waiting until the line is committed.
  • Fixed purchase cost populating to reset the cost when changing the unit of measure on an un-commited line.
  • Changed to refresh attachments after changing an attachment description.
  • Fixed: previously it was not possible to remove the discount or margin fields from the invoice company saved layout.
  • Fixed: If the user edited the description while adding a new build detail record, it was wasn’t keeping the description changes.
  • Changed to allow F2 or keyboard navigation in the description field in build detail rather than using the mouse to position the cursor.
  • Fixed: daily deliveries could get stuck closed, requiring the user to restart paradigm to get it back (if a user had daily deliveries floating, and then attempted to open the same trip summary twice.)
  • Fixed: saving a transaction company layout will no longer save the selected tab (“General”, “Advanced”, etc.)
  • Fixed: if a customer had a default ship ID, setting the ship via to a pickup ship via isn’t removing the address.
  • Fixed: if a comment or bundle has pieces, it shows up in the detail drop-down for the fallback trip.
  • Fixed: sometimes when printing driver paperwork from the trip detail popup, the “Driver paper out” flag would get reset to its original value after closing the popup.
  • Fixed: searching in employee name field in employee list wasn’t working.
  • Added the stock qty columns as options in inventory export.
  • Fixed to update margin fields on quotes/orders/invoices immediately when the cost/price is changed rather than requiring a refresh.
  • Changed customer saved ship IDs to allow selecting use taxes for their tax codes.
  • Added a “Custom” checkbox and allowed wild card searching in the assembly items search field in the inventory list screen.
  • Fixed: after adding/editing a gl account, department, zip code, etc. it will now immediately update that cached data and show the new values in dropdowns.
  • Added a “Cleared” checkbox to transaction screens for all types that get reconciled through bank rec.
  • Fixed: the “Add” button within the vendor screen was not working.
  • Standardized warehouse creation so that the “Add” button in the record selector works.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added Favorited Transactions feature. User can now Save a favorite of Voucher, CC Charge, Invoice, Journal Entry, and Withdrawal transactions. Added a favorite transactions list screen, that allows user to duplicate those favorited transactions.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: changing the product ID on a released order wasn’t correctly updating the descriptions on the build.
  • Fixed: changing the user name of an existing user was not bringing over the user preferences for that user.
  • Fixed: changing the length on an order/invoice line was not updating prices for a new qty break. It was only triggering if the user changed the pcs field.
  • On CC charges: Added handling to set tabstop to date on vendor or payee changed. Changed tabstop order.
  • Fixed to allow users without customer detail permissions to sill edit the sales rep on a newly created customer.
  • Fixed: manually completing or un-completing a PO was updating the pcs received but it was also including un-received purchase invoices in that number.
  • Changed to validate that a receivable is post-able before opening the receive payment screen rather than just failing to post after the user has received the payment.
  • Added progress indicator to invoice batch posting, changed to allow safely canceling the batch post and made the posting process more stable if it encounters an invoice that is being posted by another process.
  • Gave invoice posting a longer timeout. (10 min)
  • Fixed: the popup asking the user if they want to keep the ship to information after changing customers was also popping up when the user switched to a different order via the record selector. Also, When shipping addresses were cleared out, the “Lock Address” checkbox wasn’t getting reset.
  • Fixed: the email send popup sometimes didn’t show the correct button label, if the user had previously edited a batch email.
  • Fixed: when editing a pricing level percent, some price combinations could cause Paradigm to freeze.
  • Fixed: un-sent emails sometimes got marked as drafts when viewed or if the user was notified about it failing to send.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Implemented the Link to Existing feature in the Receipt Capture screen.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: changing the product ID on a released order didn’t replace model option tags before setting the description on the generated build.
  • Fixed: some payable totals in view related showed $0
  • Fixed: changing the warehouse on a purchase invoice header and choosing to update detail lines was skipping GL lines.
  • When duplicating a purchase invoice/bill, it will now keep the pcs received on any GL lines.
  • Fixed: credit memos/JT returns: If returning a product with a non-standard UOM, it was multiplying the cost by that unit measure qty rather than using the cost from the original transaction.
  • Fixed: on an invoice, selecting a customer with a credit hold and doing an admin override was failing to update the bill-to info.
  • When downloading an attachment, it will now populate the “Save As” type, so that it can save successfully even if the user renames it without including the suffix.
  • Fixed bug of not being able to remove ship vias on POs.
  • Fixed bug of Auto-Create Customer Contact Methods getting added twice.
  • Fixed bug of duplicating a customer also transfering its attributes.
  • Fixed issue of include canceled filter not working in Jobs List.
  • Fixed bug of outside deliveries not saving layouts.
  • Fixed issue of inventory adjustment not returning to first column when using Enter to move between fields.
  • Fixed issue where DataUtilities Clear Locks was also clearing ones starting with ~
  • Added audit trail when clearing locks.
  • Changed the Journal Entry screen to not open apply credits screen if line is marked as a correction.
  • Allowed aliases in Promotions screen.
  • Made change to not ask if you want to update detail lines on warehouse changed if they all match already.
  • Changed receipt upload list screen to order by date desc.
  • Added customer name column to production batch screen.
  • Fixed bug with “disallow releasing a PO with no Ship Date”.
  • Added comma to the curFreight column in Trip Info popup.
  • Made the invoice release message textbox and popup more friendly for multi-line messages.
  • Added Clr as optional column in Check and Withdrawal lists.
  • Fixed: deleting a customer category pricing needs to also delete the customers sub-category pricing for that category. They were still used but did not show up in the editor screen.
  • Changed label on customer default message.
  • Fixed: editing employees was failing.
  • Increased task list auto-refresh from 30s to 60s
  • Fixed: sales/purchasing screens were not re-using cached tabs when opened from the recents list, search, or links.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: if the truck summary is floating or minimized, trip statuses would fail to load and then get removed when saving.
  • Fixed: changing the unit of measure on the component of an inventory item was not updating the pricing to reflect non-exclusive pricing levels until the user saved or refreshed the entire inventory screen.
  • Fixed: if a user added a UPC/Alias to a credit memo, it was causing a crash because the alias didn’t match the original product ID. Also changed to handle errors in that location without a crash.
  • Fixed inventory screen to better handle if an existing assembly line has an invalid unit of measure.
  • Added credit card charge duplication.
  • Added driver message column to daily deliveries.
  • Changed log file sending to include company name and user name in the file name.
  • Added an indicator in daily deliveries that a trip is a fallback trip, and buttons to quickly navigate to/from the fallback trip.
  • Fixed: in dispatching trip printing, when selecting a different report, with the same backend report file. It was resetting your selection to the first report of that type.
  • Changed the “trip is full” action to re-number stops if there are already items in the fallback trip.
  • Improved query speed when filtering to a build/pull label in work order list.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed issue of Customer contacts not saving without a last name.
  • Will now hide discontinued warehouses from the inventory warehouse list.
  • Fixed bug of name search not working in employee list.
  • Removed dropdown from vendor prepayment list.
  • Added correct decimal formatting to list dropdowns.
  • Added the Manufacturer List screen and editor.
  • Fixed model options popup bug where it wasn’t always auto selecting the text.
  • Added check count to Reprint Checks screen.
  • Fixed wording for errors given when journal entry posting fails.
  • Fixed email screen crash that happened when email addresses had semicolons in them already.
  • Added dropdown to edit Received By to voucher details received by column.
  • Added the check boxes for Ship Date, Status, and Reference to Custom Setup > Purchases.
  • Added Row Formatting to Truck Summaries Weight column. Show orange if over max weight.
  • Changed daily deliveries to format the order weight in orange if the trip is overweight.
  • Added a “Show in driver app” button to the truck summary right click menu, so that option can be selected on all trip types.
  • When dispatching suggests to select multiple trips that are going to the same address it will now suggest them even if they are for different customers.
  • Added a filter option in the history tab in the customer screen to view only open orders.
  • Added customer PO column to Apply Credit screen.
  • Fixed: for some filters, debit memos were being excluded from the purchase invoice list.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added inventory import/export for the alias and substitution tables.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • When changing a customer on a sales transaction, it will no longer auto-populate the ship-to address unless there is a default ship ID for that customer.
  • Journal Entry Imports: instead of specifying a date in the import file, you can now just use the value “[TODAY]” and it will use the current date.
  • Made the “Default” Column in Customer Ship ID list to be a default column.
  • Fixed bug of costs on vouchers still resetting when reset declined.
  • Added popup when batch posting with button to view any errored invoices.
  • Fixed: max length warning wasn’t showing properly if there was no min length set up for the product.
  • Improved stability of CTRL+J search and its related button in report previews.
  • Fixed: emailing a transaction via the print form (not the dropdown) was using the batch email address rather than the customer’s default email.
  • After closing out of the production bundle editor, it will now refresh to show the changes made.
  • work order list: if user scans a barcode to complete it, it will now navigate to that build in the detail if the machine is set to show completed builds. It also will clear the scan field immediately.

Posted on 4 by Derek Martin

Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added functionality to reset the ship to address on orders and invoice on customer changed.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: converting a quote to an order was not copying any lot assignments over to the order.
  • Fixed: the popup during order release recommending the user to manufacture items that were low stock will no longer warn about non-stock manufactured products.
  • Fixed: When copying the bill to address to the ship to, it was creating a blank contact method if none were found to copy.
  • When splitting an order, add a note to the order “Order Split by Username”.
  • Fixed issue of lot selection screen not reloading selected lots properly.
  • Added batch posting error for when the invoice amount is 0.
  • Changed some icons in the system tab to be more distinct.
  • Fixed: quick build will now limit the value added to the reference field to 50 characters to prevent posting from failing.
  • Fixed: when converting a quote to an order a second time, items that had a larger amount ordered than quoted were getting marked to convert.
  • Addressing an issue where rapid entry of multiple transaction detail lines while the previous lines were still saving would sometimes cause edits to those unsaved lines to get reset.
  • Smart build import: Added Progress bar. Changed some text formatting. Added logic to remember import type.
  • Moved the Production Sounds setting from local settings screen to production settings screen.
  • Removed the “Pin tab” button from the tab right click menu as it didn’t have much use.
  • Fixed data utility batch renaming to give better error when a non-existant product ID is passed in. Also changed to ignore blank rows in the import file.
  • Fixed to keep the contact methods on an order/invoice if the user changes the address info when there was a ship ID selected. Also changed the “Clear” button in the ship to popup to clear the contact methods as well.
  • Added clarification to the “Move from Job” button that it can’t be used for items that are linked to a sales order.
  • Fixed: the job related ribbon buttons sometimes wouldn’t show when they should have, requiring a refresh before they could be seen.
  • Fixed: if a user attempts to change a customer ID to an ID that already exists, it will now reset the ID field to the old value to avoid confusion.
  • Changed to refresh the “Possible duplicate customers” section while the user enters a new customer, so they know if it’s a duplicate as soon as they set the company name, address or phone number.
  • Changed to auto-capitalize customer address while editing. Also changed “Lock address” to not be a tabstop.
  • Fixed: the PDF button in the 1099 form wasn’t working.
  • Changed to allow substituting a component for a component that is the same as the header product ID.
  • Fixed to prevent a user from deleting a AP sales tax code that has been used.
  • User can now edit the “Expected Date” on PO/VI details. It will still get reset when changing the vendor ID or the Product/UOM on the line.
  • Added category and subcategory columns to the Special Order Purchasing screen.
  • Fixed: the admin override wasn’t working to allow a user to create an invoice for a customer that had a credit hold.
  • Fixed: changing the vendor ID on a PO/VI will now set the warehouse to the vendor’s default warehouse if they have one set up.
  • Fixed: creating a new Ship ID from an order and selecting it immediately was throwing an error.
  • Fixed: opening an overpayment was failing. Should now open the original receivable/payable.
  • Fixed: unposting a payable with an overpayment was failing.

We do paper files in the office and it's a hassle - We set up the Auto Attach feature in P10 for shippers and invoices, in hopes we can go paperless. I just wanted to say, we love Paradigm!

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